Church History - Timeline
Underhill Baptist Church 2024
All Rights Reserved
42 Elton Avenue,
Barnet, Herts,
The complete Photographic Archives and Ministry Photo Galleries for
Underhill Baptist Church are available on request.
Rev F.J.Mason
Site acquired by Mr C.W.B.Simmonds who presented it to Rev
Noble & the Deacons of High Barnet Baptist Church for the
building of a Church Hall for the people and particularly
children in the Underhill Area.
Site Dedication Sunday
afternoon 15th September
Sunday School 1937
The Church Hall was opened by
Mrs Simmonds 19th September
The Church’s first Full-Time Minister is appointed with Services at 11.00am & 6.30pm.
In those days, Church was very much a family occasion, families were larger and certainly the
Sunday School was.
(Lay Pastor)
There were no computers or mobile phones in those days but somehow the children survived!
At the Church, there was Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade and a Youth Club.
Choruses would be sung from Cards held up at the front and
Hymns sung from the “Golden bells” Hymn Book.
Over the years, we have moved on through the CSM Chorus
book, The Baptist Hymn Book, Youth Praise, Mission Praise,
Junior Praise, our own Underhill Chorus Book and onto our
latest Songs Of Fellowship.
(Student Pastor)
R.M.Hale, B.D.
D.B.Morris, B.A.
(Student Pastor)
(Student Pastor)
(Student Pastor)
Rev D.B.Morris,
In the 60’s the Chorus Cards and Hymns were
transferred onto Celluloid Sheets and Projected onto a
Screen using an Overhead Projector.
Newsletters and circulars were produced using
a Gestetner Copying Machine with a hand crank
to move sheets through.
OASIS Team1 Jo Titterton (18), Dave Garlick (25), Nigel Martin (23)
OASIS Team2 Fiona Walker, Kate Schofield, Pete Thomas, Andy Taylor
OASIS Support Worker “Fiona McGheacin”
New Baptistry
E.Baldwin, B.A.
After a succession of Student Pastors from Spurgeons College between 1971-1974,
David Morris returned to join us, fully trained, as our Full-Time Pastor with Judy his wife.
The Small Hall with Kitchen was added in 1977 and, towards
the end of Rev David’s ministry, was used for worship (The
large hall being used for activities and barn dances). The flat
roof structure was supposed to last 20-25years but is still
serving us well in 2023!
Rev David Morris was a young minister at his first church, an avid cricket
enthusiast and always included a childrens talk in the first part of his
service. He was always supported by his wife Judy who played an active
part in our church life - as did their 3 children (Helen, Nicola & Tina) who
came along in due course.
Thursday March 20th 1975 marked the start of a
Healing Ministry when the Deacons prayed over
Mrs June Merchant (a Deacon at the time) and
were rewarded for their faith with healing
for June.
After 10 years at Underhill Baptist Church, Rev David Morris left us to take up a post at his
second church in Leeds and after a period of intereggnum, Rev Eric Baldwin joined us with his
wife Jenny and two girls in August 1985
Rev Eric Baldwin came to us a mature student from Spurgeons
College, having previously had a job in Computing which would
be useful to him. His wife, Jenny was to play an active part in the
church, especially with the childrens groups. Their 2 girls (Rachel
& Julia) were a welcome addition to our youth group.
1st use of our New Baptistry
20th June 2000
Rev Dick Prior
After 13 years at Underhill Baptist Church, including 5 as a Regional Minister, Rev Eric Baldwin
left us to take up a post at Rushmere Baptist Church in Ipswich and and after a period of
interregnum, Rev Dick Prior joined us with his wife Sue and two girls in January 2000
Many hours of work in hot weather went into
preparing the ground for a new Universal Access
Slope, then creating the garden.
70th Anniversary Flower Festival
With the advent of new technology, access
to a church laptop and in-house expertise,
we were able to publish our own Web Site
for the first time
After 7 years at Underhill Baptist Church, we said goodbye to Rev Dick Prior and his family,
as he took up a new Pastorate in Chatteris and, after a two year period of interregnum,
Rev Emmanuel Ntusi joined us with his wife Zama in November 2009
Rev Emmanuel
Ntusi 2009-2020
Cracks in the rear walls became too bad to pass an
inspection and MAJOR works had to be done
incurring major building costs!
With much praying, fund-
raising, gift(s) from other
local churches and interest
free loans from the LBA,
the works were completed!
Unfortunately, the following year, the Contractors and Insurance had to be called back as a
change in water levels at the rear of the church had caused an unstoppable water leak to
seap up from the floor in the toilets and corridor. The final solution was to lay a perforated
drainage pipe from back to front which was only completed at Easter 2015.
Rev Emmanuel Ntusi and his wife Zama came to us
in 2009 (Their two girls, Isenathi & Sinesipo, came
along later!)
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Lunch 3rd June 2012
Our Queen marked her Diamond Jubilee with a 4-day
weekend of events, between Saturday 2 and Tuesday 5
June. We celebrated in the Church and joined in with the
local street party in Elton Avenue (Shame about the rain).
It was good fun closing off the road!
80th Anniversary 25th September 2016
After 11 years at Underhill Baptist Church, we said goodbye to Rev Emmanuel Ntusi and his
family, as he took up a new Pastorate at Coldharbour Lane and, after a year without a Minister
Rev Vania John-Baptiste joined us in July 2020
Corona Virus Lockdown
23 March 2020: Boris Johnson announces the UK’s
first national lockdown. People may only leave their
homes for strictly limited reasons and the police are
given powers to enforce the rules. The furlough
scheme was introduced by Rishi Sunak and was
broadly welcomed as an important intervention to
protect jobs during lockdown.
At first, we could continue to worship sitting 1metre
apart but then, when masks were advised, we were
instructed not to sing or even handle Hymn
Four previous Ministers celebrate 80yrs (Not THEM the Church!)
Rev David Morris; Rev Emmanuel Ntusi; Rev Eric Baldwin; Rev Dick Prior
Unfortunately, due to the Corona Virus Lockdown
in the UK, Rev Vania had to try to get to know us
and work around the Government Guidance at
that time.
With the technology we had, we were able to project Worship Videos onto the large TV
Screen at the front featuring a variety of Christian Artists singing the Hymns & Choruses
that we were familiar with. As the Virus reached its peak and people were dying in
hospital, we were then not allowed to worship in public gatherings. But, even older
members of our congregation, adapted well to using the latest “Zoom” Video
Conferencing on their computers.
On 23 January 2023 , after a period of illness, Rev
Vania John-Baptiste left us and after a short time the
retired Minister Rev Ray Thomas who had been
worshipping with us for some time agreed to lead us
for the rest of the year as Interim Moderator.
Rev Vania
2020-Jan 2023
King Charles III
Coronation Lunch
Church, Friends and Community were invited to join in with the weekend of celebration
to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May 2023
…. to be continued
UBC Text For The Year
LOOK to the Lord and His strength
SEEK His face always
1 Chronicles 16 11:12a
“Look Backwards for encouragement and move Forwards in Faith”
The New Baptistry was installed into the new
staging underneath the side windows and the
old one decommissioned .... many hands made
light work on the day!
Rev Vania
2020-Jan 2023
Rev Ray Thomas
March 2023-
Go to End
March 2024 Rev Ray Thomas (our Interim Minister) was invited to continue in his
role for a further year as our Church Profile was prepared for circulation on the
Baptist Union Web Site.
“God’s Word is like Dancing Ribbons - full of life and grace, filling us with hope & joy”
We are thrilled to welcome the informal groups we now have at Sunday morning services.
Some, with their Carers, sit comfortably at the back; also, parents with small children like
to use the Small Hall with music speakers from the main hall.
At the end of each service we all come together for a Family Worship song